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Trainings: Workshops
We offer a variety of wellbeing training opportunities for individuals, teams, and organizations!


3 Hours Per Session

These fun, fast-paced boot camp-style workshops introduce participants to 6 constructs under the PERMAH building blocks with tangible takeaways to implement immediately.

Character Strengths

3 Hours

Participants will learn about the 24 character strengths and how these strengths contribute to wellbeing. This interactive workshop requires a free online test for all participants prior to the presentation.

Psychological Safety

3 Hours

Participate in an activity designed to increase trust and inclusion. Learn the four stages of psychological safety and how they can transform the workplace.

Job Crafting

3 Hours

This interactive workshop takes participants through a process of job crafting centered on three areas: cognitive, relational, and functional.


3 Hours

This interactive presentation highlights the scientific benefits of gratitude and participants are introduced to strategies to build a more grateful life.

Reciprocity Ring

3 Hours

University of Michigan’s Wayne Grant developed this dynamic group giving model to use in organizations. Learn the science behind why givers are more successful and have higher wellbeing than takers.


3 Hours

This presentation is designed to foster better communication using tools such as character strengths, active constructive responding, cognitive reframing, and empathy.

Struggling Well

3 Hours

When it feels like many things in our lives are out of our control, this workshop digs into our thoughts and our ability to focus on what we can control to lean toward thriving in times of change.

Inclusion and Diversity

3 Hours

In this practical workshop, participants will learn tools to help improve workplace inclusion including research on why a focus on inclusion and diversity matters both for the individual and for the organization.

Working Together to Counteract Unconscious Bias

3 Hours

This interactive workshop will help participants understand unconscious bias and why it is paradoxically both normal and problematic. harness the power of character strengths as a foundation to counteracting unconscious bias. recognize the work of counteracting unconscious bias is a journey, not a destination, and begin building a toolbox of skills to use along the journey to counteract unconscious bias personally in teams, and in organizations.

Creating Positive Change

3 Hours

In this engaging workshop, participants will learn to navigate the messiness of change and build an effective change toolbox. Change is a necessary part of life and learning to embrace the mess and magic of change is an important skillset with many useful applications in all areas of life.

Workplace Priority Area Reflection Roundtable

3-12 Hours

The Surgeon General’s Report on Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing recommends tackling questions related to five identified Priority Areas: Protection from Harm, Connection and Community, Work-Life Harmony, Mattering at Work, and Opportunities for Growth. This roundtable involves a facilitated discussion leading to concrete actions steps.

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