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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack #7: Start Your Day Your Way

Do days sometimes feel like a run away train? Or does that journey sometimes derail before it even starts?

Once great productivity hack is to “start your day your way” by looking at your calendar before anything else in the morning.

This puts you in charge.

Have you opened an email first and got caught up in answering them to a point that you ran out of time for another task? While it is important to respond to people in a timely fashion, it is also important to feel a sense of control over your day.

This sense of empowerment has been shown to improve energy, positive emotions, and engagement throughout the day.

So start your day your way!

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“I love all of the different formats/ways to use the information! It makes it so easy for us to include naturally in whichever way is most accessible to our own lives. I can’t wait to share a weekly life hack with my new teammates/colleagues!”

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