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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack #49: Is it Helpful?

Do you sometimes find your thoughts getting out of control? Do you ever get caught in a spiral of negative emotions?

One simple tool that can be a big help is asking yourself, is this helpful? These three words are a great way to help us stop, pause, and consider the impact of our thoughts. That worry we are feeling? Is it helpful?

If it is – then take action and if it isn’t, choose to work on focusing your thoughts in a different way. That sadness we are feeling? Is it helpful?

If it is – then accept it without judgement. If it isn’t helpful, then consider reaching out to someone for support or to help you focus on something else.

Research shows that simple, thoughtful strategies like this can help us feel more in control of the emotions we are experiencing.

It takes practice, but incorporating this simple, yet powerful question – “is it helpful?” – into our lives can help us shift our perspective in healthy and productive ways.

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