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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack #32: 3 Good Things

When you reflect back on your day, what comes to mind more often, the struggles or the wins?

How easy is it for you to notice the good things that happened throughout the day?

Well, studies show it pays to hunt the good stuff!

Using the 3 good things exercise can have a positive impact on your mood, reduce symptoms of depression, and build resilience.

Many of us have a tendency to let the good things wash over us quickly and spend more time ruminating on the struggles in life.

To counter this natural tendency, at the end of each day, try intentionally thinking of three good things that happened during the day and why those good things happened.

It is a great way to savor the good stuff, to hold on to our positive experiences more.

This can help us to feel more in control over our lives, to see the roses among the thorns, and to ultimately feel happier and more grateful.

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