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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack #10: 5 Minute Favor

The 5 Minute Favor is intentionally taking 5 minutes out of your day to do something that will benefit someone else. Building this as a daily habit is a simple and effective way to build relationships and to help others. And it doesn’t have to cost-money – be creative.

Here are 5 simple ideas for putting this idea into practice:

1. Introducing people with similar interests.

2. Actually filling out the customer satisfaction survey.

3. Easing the load of a coworker.

4. Doing a household chore for someone else.

5. Doing something kind for a neighbor.

When done in the spirit of generosity, the benefits of the 5 minute favor will extend beyond the actual favor itself. It contributes to building a better, more positive world for all of us!

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